
Kayondo Samuel

Lumaga Leon Joll Lwanga

COAC Foundation was inspired by two former Classmates at University (Lumaga Leon Joll Lwanga & Kayondo Samuel) in 2004 and was later established in 2014. From their personal life experiences, they wanted to help transform the lives of OVCs affected and infected by HIV/AIDS in Ssese Islands that form Kalangala District in Uganda, specifically those OVCs under the direct care of the poor, old and weak Grannies.

They envisioned that all humanity should have equal opportunities to access the very basic needs of life, equity and enjoy fundamental rights regardless of their age, sex, area of location and status so should OVCs under vulnerable grannies be able to have an opportunity to life and have a better future just like they did under similar circumstances.

Both realized that orphaned children who remained under the care of the poor, old and weak grandparents easily dropped out of school at low levels due to absence of the very basics of life, consequently this resulted into high illiteracy levels and even those who were not born with HIV/AIDS become victims of the calamity just like many of their parents had been.

COAC Foundation was established in 2014 to break this cycle and support OVCs under the direct care of the poor, old and weak grandparents in Ssese Islands with an overall goal of Restoring Hope to the new generation.