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Care Old Age & Child Foundation (COAC)

With You, We Can Do More.

Care Old Age & Child (COAC) Foundation is a grass root charity organization with a holistic approach to supporting Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children under the direct care of poor, weak and old grandparents.

We work to give these children and their poor grandparents a better happy life, offering support and opportunities to enable them have a meaningful life through grants, donations, sponsorships.

The principles of equality, social justice and partnership guide our organizational activities with extra recognition to gender inequality, injustices and programs that support orphaned girl child and protection of the older persons especially women.

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Your support helps us provide basic needs ranging from education supplies, basic well being facilities, We provide basic medical care to AIDS OVCs & their sick poor elderly grandparents, offer basic skills, opportunities to the disadvantaged orphaned children and train poor elderly with skills to secure a better living…

You can give Bricks, cement, Iron sheets, Money..

Success Stories…Read more stories

COAC with its partners managed to build grandma Cecilia Mukaluyinda , 83 years who was staying with 9 grandchildren from a poor shelter to a modern house


Early X-MAS Charity 2020
Shelter Fundraising  2020
School Uniform Fundraising  2020


What we do

COAC Foundation programs are categorized into four segments of;

Health Care

Home-based Health Care workers mostly volunteers, conduct elderly home outreaches visiting different islands and travelling great distances.

Reach the child

COAC Foundation comes in to mobilize, identify and assist these OVCs providing them with, the very basic needs (shelter, clothing, education and medicine)..


COAC Foundation HIV/AIDS program puts much emphasis on reducing the incidence of HIV transmission and tackling the adverse effects of AIDS among the people in Ssese Island..

COAC Partners

i wondered why somebody didn’t do something. Then I realized, I’am somebody!